Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Celebrity Birthday - December 2nd

The artist who celebrates his birthday today is part of a grammy-award winning hip hop trio that took acryonomys to another level in the early 90s. This celebrity is also know for having a 'spicy' ex-wife who is part of a hip-hop three-some of her own. Think you know who it is?

Its Treach from Naughy-By-Nature! Happy 39th!

Tomorrow's celebrity birthday is a South Central (Califronia) native who's first single gave homage to his city. He has had a number one hit with Master P, and acted alongside Beyonce as well as written and produced hit songs for various artists such as Dru Hill front man Sisqo, and Chrisitina Milian. You'll never guess Thursdasy's Celebrity has been Birthday!